On working with FVM & Melos

Installing Melos§

fvm dart pub global activate melos

Melos website indicates to use this command dart pub global activate melos, so to force the use of the FVM' Dart SDK, prefix it with fvm.

Using Melos with FVM§

fvm flutter pub run melos bs

Once again, prefix the command indicated by Melos (melos bs) with fvm, although this time, add flutter pub run to be able to execute a script or program (in this case melos).

To avoid having to write the whole command every time, you maight want to create these aliases:

alias fvmbs="fvm flutter pub global run melos bs"
alias fvmbr="fvm flutter pub global run melos build_runner"

FVM recommends installing a global version of the Flutter SDK... DON'T.